Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What the Dog Saw

Malcom Gladwell

I like Malcolm Gladwell books.  They make me feel smart because they are non-fiction and I don't read much non-fiction.  :)  I have to say I didn't love this like I loved the other two Gladwell books I have read.  For some reason the collection of essays bothered me a little, I am not a huge fan of short stories, and there were some that just weren't as interesting to me as others.  Overall, I did very much enjoy it though.  I like to think about things in a different way and Mr. Gladwell always helps me see things with a little more information and perspective.  For instance, I knew I was a little bit frustrated with Avery's preschool teachers and the section on evaluating performance and how to promote as a result hit the nail on the head for our situation.  His teachers are kind and nice, not bad at all.  They just aren't that amazing teacher you sometimes find, they get the nuts and bolts perfectly.  But, I don't think they know wiggling and leaning forward to look at the story doesn't mean you are disobedient, it means you are very interested in knowing more.  You should read this when you want to feel smart and be entertained all at the same time. 

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