Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Lace Reader

Brunonia Barry

I was supposed to read his for my book club last fall. I couldn't be there so I didn't read it. I decided to go ahead and read it now. I thought it was a good book. The story was entertaining, but a little predictable. It was a fun setting though. I would love to visit Salem and the surrounding areas some time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo

Stieg Larsson

This was a really great book. First, I felt super cool that it was translated from Swedish it just made me feel like a world traveler without ever leaving the privacy of my own home. I thought the story line was great, not your usual predictable murder mystery. I won't reveal the twists and turns, but I encourage you to read it and I am anxiously awaiting the sequel's release this summer. I am looking forward to where the story heads next.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Stone Diaries

Carol Shields
This is my book club read for my new group. I can't say much until after we meet. I am interested to see what everyone else thought. Very different from my first book club's first book. Angry Housewives Eating Bonbon's. I am glad I have read both.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Change of Heart

Jodi Picoult

A good book by one of my favorite authors. I feel like I remember the part of the story line about Elizabeth and Kurt from something else, maybe Keeping Faith, she crosses Ian Fletcher from that book into this one in a fun way. As always Jodi P. challenges you to look at both side of an issue and question everything. The last chapter is really interesting but I hate that it untied all the nice ending I had in my head.. or maybe it didn't... love Jodi P.