Monday, February 21, 2011

For Men Only

Shaunti Feldhahn & Jeff Feldhahn

We are in counseling.  We are fine, good actually.  But, for a long time I have liked my sister's philosophy that you get a check up for your physical health every so often why not your marriage?  Then Michael's parents shared with us that they are getting a divorce and that pretty much pushed us into finding someone to help us handle this in a Godly way.  We looked, but there are no guide books for when your parents give up on 34 years... but I digress and get less Godly.  Anyway, our counselor reccommended this and For Women Only which is next on my list.  I liked it.  I thought a lot of it was really true.  I thought it was an easy read and I think both of us reading both of these will make us a better couple.  The lessons were not rocket science to me, but I think will be revealing to my husband.  I laughed out loud at the section about why men can't follow women's conversations that jump all over everywhere.  My dad always gets frustrated with my mom, sister and I for that.  Jeff explained it perfectly!  I would definitely reccommend this quick read for you and your spouse.  (Ladies you read this first, men you do the opposite, then switch!)

The Red Garden

Alice Hoffman

I liked this book.  I thought it was a good collection of short stories more than a novel.  The setting remained the same and occasionally involved ancestors from a previous story, but it didn't flow as well as I thought a novel should.  Just when I was getting into a story it would change and we would be dealing with their great grand children's lives.  I do wonder if this would have bothered me less if I had read it in fewer sittings rather than here and there over the past few weeks.  A good book, not a great book. 


Jonathan Franzen

I have to say this was not my favorite.  It actually lead to some pretty good discussion which I enjoyed, but it felt forever long.  I guess I don't understand why popular novels about "American families" have to be about how sad and miserable and depressed they are.  In the end no one or very few people are happy.  I have to say I have a great life, even with really crappy things happening that I have NO control over I still have so much I love.  I can think of amazing Godly men and women I know who have endured tragedy after tragedy and I don't think their novel would be nearly so whiny.  But, it did have my beloved bow ending that I found especially uplifting these days.  I also have to say that man Jonathan is obsessed with sex scenes, good grief!  We get it already.  So, I wouldn't read this unless this is your favorite genre and you won't mind lots of inappropriateness and whining.  Sorry!