Sunday, July 19, 2009

Firefly Lane

Kristin Hannah

What a great summer read. I love a story about great friends. I think this is because I am blessed with so many good girlfriends, and Michael really is my best friend. I thought this was a sweet, neat story and I am so glad I read it even if it did end a little sad. I think it is funny how I don't cry about my life very often at all, but a good book or movie always gets me. This is well worth your time for an easy summer story.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Candy Spelling

Ok, so I really enjoyed Stori Telling and couldn't resist hearing Candy's side of the story. But, I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. Candy didn't have much to say. She whined about how hard it is to be a trophy wife, boo hoo. And, how hard it was to be a celebrity Mom, boo hoo. I am sure Tori has done some bratty things, but at least her story had some good stories. Candy was boring, she spent a chapter telling the layout of her ginormous attic. Oh well. It was something to read, guess I will have to get Mommywood now.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Multiple Bles8ings

Jon & Kate Gosselin and Beth Carson

Well, my timing wasn't the greatest. I have been wanting to read this for a long time and a friend at work loaned it to me recently. I have to say, I have always been team Kate. She can be harsh, but so can I. I felt like she always really loved her kids and her husband, but is demanding... aren't we all good for her for admitting it. Anyway, I liked the book. I am so sad their marriage didn't make it. I wish nothing but the best for all of them. I really hope Kate and Jon have some good friends to support them in this time and that they lean on their faith as they have in the past.