Suzanne Collins
Oh my goodness! I loved these books. They are not life changing, but they are very entertaining. I put off reading them forever, I thought it would be too sad and weird to read about kids trying to kill each other. It sounds awful, but it really isn't it is a great series. Go get them and read them, but wait until after Christmas if you have as much to do as I do. Because once you start you will want to sit and read until you are done with all 3. Luckily, they are young adult fiction so you can power through all 3 in probably a day and a half! I love that it has a strong female lead that doesn't need a boy to make her feel complete, Bella. I like that she struggles with figuring out the difference between good friends and boyfriends, that is hard! A good book I would be glad for my little Sadie to read, oh wait I have two boys they will want to read The Lord of the Rings....
Side note-Some friends told me about a phone app that lets you share good books to read, but I can't remember what it is, do y'all know?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Virgin of Small Plains
Nancy Pickard
This was a good, easy mystery read. I like that it was a mystery, but not scary. The main character had a great name, even if she did spell it wrong. :) I thought it was a little too easy to figure out, but that's okay I still had to finish and make sure I was right. A great book for reading on the plane while you travel for the holidays, or fun to curl up under a blanket with to relax and escape after you eat some turkey.
This was a good, easy mystery read. I like that it was a mystery, but not scary. The main character had a great name, even if she did spell it wrong. :) I thought it was a little too easy to figure out, but that's okay I still had to finish and make sure I was right. A great book for reading on the plane while you travel for the holidays, or fun to curl up under a blanket with to relax and escape after you eat some turkey.
Jean Hanff Korelitz
A friend at work recommended this book for my book club, because she was reading it for hers and thought it was going to provide good discussion. I will be honest, I am very interested to see what kind of discussion it sparks. I can totally see the girls either loving or hating this book. I thought it was a little hard to get through at times. I think I enjoyed it, even though it felt like a really long book. It raised really good thoughts about nature vs. nurture, privilege and want, and opened my eyes to a culture I rarely think about. I must admit I am glad I didn't have dreams of going to an Ivy league school, clearly I am not Ivy material. But, I sure am glad I was wildcat material. :) I was also intrigued by the adoption issues raised, although I don't think I wholly agree. As I said, I am interested to see what discussions will come up and would love to have been there for my friend's book club as some of the ladies in her group have college age children.
A friend at work recommended this book for my book club, because she was reading it for hers and thought it was going to provide good discussion. I will be honest, I am very interested to see what kind of discussion it sparks. I can totally see the girls either loving or hating this book. I thought it was a little hard to get through at times. I think I enjoyed it, even though it felt like a really long book. It raised really good thoughts about nature vs. nurture, privilege and want, and opened my eyes to a culture I rarely think about. I must admit I am glad I didn't have dreams of going to an Ivy league school, clearly I am not Ivy material. But, I sure am glad I was wildcat material. :) I was also intrigued by the adoption issues raised, although I don't think I wholly agree. As I said, I am interested to see what discussions will come up and would love to have been there for my friend's book club as some of the ladies in her group have college age children.
In Cold Blood
Truman Capote
I picked this up at my aunt and uncle's house this summer to pass time while I was feeding Hank. I kept finding myself wondering about it, so I downloaded it on my kindle to finish it. I am amazed and appalled by this book. It is so sad to know this is true, and that people really do horrible things like that for pretty much no reason. I think the book was very well written, occasionally a little slow, but overall great. It was interesting to hear the crime from varied perspectives. There were times I almost felt sorry for one of the criminals in some weird way. I am glad I decided to finish the book, even if there wasn't a happy ending. A great true crime drama.
I picked this up at my aunt and uncle's house this summer to pass time while I was feeding Hank. I kept finding myself wondering about it, so I downloaded it on my kindle to finish it. I am amazed and appalled by this book. It is so sad to know this is true, and that people really do horrible things like that for pretty much no reason. I think the book was very well written, occasionally a little slow, but overall great. It was interesting to hear the crime from varied perspectives. There were times I almost felt sorry for one of the criminals in some weird way. I am glad I decided to finish the book, even if there wasn't a happy ending. A great true crime drama.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Mary and O'Neil
Justin Cronin
I'm just not sure what the point of this book was. It told the story of a family, but it was kind of a sad story with not a whole lot of point. I wish it was a really unique story, but I am not sure that even that is true. Unfortunately a lot of people suffer loss, but it was nice to see that O'Neil moved on from that loss and didn't let it ruin his life. I'm not sure why but this one just left me a little cold, I guess I wasn't pulled in to the story as much as I would have liked.
I'm just not sure what the point of this book was. It told the story of a family, but it was kind of a sad story with not a whole lot of point. I wish it was a really unique story, but I am not sure that even that is true. Unfortunately a lot of people suffer loss, but it was nice to see that O'Neil moved on from that loss and didn't let it ruin his life. I'm not sure why but this one just left me a little cold, I guess I wasn't pulled in to the story as much as I would have liked.
The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise: A Novel
Julia Stuart
I thought this was a good book. I wouldn't call it a page turner by any stretch, but she kept you interested enough that you wanted to make sure everything turned out how it should. I really enjoyed the setting. I loved our tour of the Tower of London and meeting the beefeaters when we had the opportunity to go to London, but I bet it isn't the most fun place to live. The characters were lovable, too!
I thought this was a good book. I wouldn't call it a page turner by any stretch, but she kept you interested enough that you wanted to make sure everything turned out how it should. I really enjoyed the setting. I loved our tour of the Tower of London and meeting the beefeaters when we had the opportunity to go to London, but I bet it isn't the most fun place to live. The characters were lovable, too!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bed Rest
Rachel Bilston
Easy, cheesy something to read while you pass the time. Not much else to say (besides do NOT cheat when you are on bed rest, it is amazing the difference even ONE day can make!)
Easy, cheesy something to read while you pass the time. Not much else to say (besides do NOT cheat when you are on bed rest, it is amazing the difference even ONE day can make!)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cutting for Stone
Abraham Verghese
I really enjoyed this book. It was long, but well worth it. There were times that it would probably be a bit wordy and descriptive in the medical parts, but I of course liked those parts. I thought it was well written throughout the various stages of the main character's life. I think that must be hard to do, it seems like usually the childhood will be really well done, but not the adulthood or vice versa. This was a great read, very worth the time a longer book requires.
I really enjoyed this book. It was long, but well worth it. There were times that it would probably be a bit wordy and descriptive in the medical parts, but I of course liked those parts. I thought it was well written throughout the various stages of the main character's life. I think that must be hard to do, it seems like usually the childhood will be really well done, but not the adulthood or vice versa. This was a great read, very worth the time a longer book requires.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My Name is Mary Sutter
Robin Oliveira
Yay! Another really great read. I am so glad to be coming up from The Angel's Game funk!!! I thought this was a great book. I never would have picked historical fiction, I kind of forget about it, but I loved it. I am sure it helped that the main character is a midwife wanting to become a doctor, but I actually enjoyed the historical perspective as well. I am sad to say I didn't retain much from history and always had a more "southern" view point. I thought we deserved to lose for being awful enough to think we should own people. But, it was a hard fought war for everyone. A good, interesting read. I am continually thankful for people who sacrificed more than I can imagine to make our country what it is, and for those who continue to do so today. And boy am I glad for modern medicine!!!
Yay! Another really great read. I am so glad to be coming up from The Angel's Game funk!!! I thought this was a great book. I never would have picked historical fiction, I kind of forget about it, but I loved it. I am sure it helped that the main character is a midwife wanting to become a doctor, but I actually enjoyed the historical perspective as well. I am sad to say I didn't retain much from history and always had a more "southern" view point. I thought we deserved to lose for being awful enough to think we should own people. But, it was a hard fought war for everyone. A good, interesting read. I am continually thankful for people who sacrificed more than I can imagine to make our country what it is, and for those who continue to do so today. And boy am I glad for modern medicine!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
When Crickets Cry
Charles Martin
I am so glad to get off my grouchy rant. I loved this book! It was a great story. I am so impressed that is was Christian fiction. I will be the first to admit thatsome most of Christian fiction is a whippin and I have to be in the mood for it. But, this author did a great job of weaving Christianity into the story without being overly preachy. I really, really liked this and was so grateful for an enjoyable book! I am sure it didn't hurt that the setting was a lake and involved lots of medical stuff, too.
I am so glad to get off my grouchy rant. I loved this book! It was a great story. I am so impressed that is was Christian fiction. I will be the first to admit that
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Angel's Game
Carlos Ruis Zafron, Lucia Graves
Alright, I know it is grouchy to post 3 less than happy reviews, but. YUCK!!!! I did NOT like this book. It was a beating to get through. It was long and indulgent, with way too many characters and not that great of a plot. You made a deal with the devil and it didn't go well, shocking! I hate that I make myself finish books I do not like, but I felt obligated for book club and the 18 years of "finish what you started" training by my parents. I wasted a lot of time reading this one.
Alright, I know it is grouchy to post 3 less than happy reviews, but. YUCK!!!! I did NOT like this book. It was a beating to get through. It was long and indulgent, with way too many characters and not that great of a plot. You made a deal with the devil and it didn't go well, shocking! I hate that I make myself finish books I do not like, but I felt obligated for book club and the 18 years of "finish what you started" training by my parents. I wasted a lot of time reading this one.
Best Friends Forever
Jennifer Weiner
I have to say that I think I am over Ms. Weiner. While I have loved several of her books the last few seem to have lost their appeal. I am tired of the fat girl thing over and over. I know lots of people struggle with weight issues, honestly every woman does. However, it doesn't have to central to the plot of every book she writes. Also, I thought it was predictable and just okay. I didn't hate reading this book, but I didn't love it either.
I have to say that I think I am over Ms. Weiner. While I have loved several of her books the last few seem to have lost their appeal. I am tired of the fat girl thing over and over. I know lots of people struggle with weight issues, honestly every woman does. However, it doesn't have to central to the plot of every book she writes. Also, I thought it was predictable and just okay. I didn't hate reading this book, but I didn't love it either.
Dream When You Are Feeling Blue
Elizabeth Berg
I thought this was a great book until then end... I enjoyed the WW II setting from the American side, as we read a WW II book from the European prospective not too long ago. I can't imagine what it was like to live in those times dealing with rations, knowing that someone you love will more than likely not make it home, and so many other hardships. I think I would have been great at writing letters, and I would have hated going to the dances to chat with and cheer up strangers. I want to give this book a good rating, but man I was really disappointed in the ending. However, it is probably more realistic and I shouldn't complain.
I thought this was a great book until then end... I enjoyed the WW II setting from the American side, as we read a WW II book from the European prospective not too long ago. I can't imagine what it was like to live in those times dealing with rations, knowing that someone you love will more than likely not make it home, and so many other hardships. I think I would have been great at writing letters, and I would have hated going to the dances to chat with and cheer up strangers. I want to give this book a good rating, but man I was really disappointed in the ending. However, it is probably more realistic and I shouldn't complain.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt: A Novel
Beth Hoffman
I LOVED this book. It was a great escape last week. It was a little like The Help, in time frame, and focus on relationships among women. I grew to love CeeCee and all the women in her life. I think this is well worth the read and it won't take you too long. You can even be a little distracted and still enjoy it! :)
I LOVED this book. It was a great escape last week. It was a little like The Help, in time frame, and focus on relationships among women. I grew to love CeeCee and all the women in her life. I think this is well worth the read and it won't take you too long. You can even be a little distracted and still enjoy it! :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Dead in the Family: A Sookie Stachouse Novel
Charlaine Harris
You know I love Sookie! I wasn't disappointed with my long awaited latest book.
You know I love Sookie! I wasn't disappointed with my long awaited latest book.
Mary Karr
Ugh, NOT my favorite book. First, it took me about 6 chapters to realize this was a memoir and not fiction. Now that I am a kindle snob I often don't read the description for the book club books I just download and go. I was glad that Lit actually created great discussion. While thankfully none of us are alcoholics we do know and love some, and we all thought the reminders of the importance of prayer were very good. I think it is so telling that to be successful sober you must have a "higher power." I hope I remember to trust and talk to God without having to hit rock bottom like th author and her AA buddies. It was also a good reminder for me to be more patient and sympathetic to people who suffer from depression. However, there were times it was so whiney I thought I was going to lose my mind I already have all the whining I can handle from my 2 year old thank you very much. :)
Ugh, NOT my favorite book. First, it took me about 6 chapters to realize this was a memoir and not fiction. Now that I am a kindle snob I often don't read the description for the book club books I just download and go. I was glad that Lit actually created great discussion. While thankfully none of us are alcoholics we do know and love some, and we all thought the reminders of the importance of prayer were very good. I think it is so telling that to be successful sober you must have a "higher power." I hope I remember to trust and talk to God without having to hit rock bottom like th author and her AA buddies. It was also a good reminder for me to be more patient and sympathetic to people who suffer from depression. However, there were times it was so whiney I thought I was going to lose my mind I already have all the whining I can handle from my 2 year old thank you very much. :)
Every Last One
Anna Quindlen
Oh man, so good but sooooo sad. I cried! I thought it was just hormones, but I am probably getting too far from delivery to still claim that. My book club friends cried, too, so I felt a little better. I thought it was well written, but we agreed there were a few too many characters, some we didn't need. I liked her perspective on her kids and loving them each as they needed it. I thought it was a great reminder to be a real friend, enjoy your kids and a good read.
Oh man, so good but sooooo sad. I cried! I thought it was just hormones, but I am probably getting too far from delivery to still claim that. My book club friends cried, too, so I felt a little better. I thought it was well written, but we agreed there were a few too many characters, some we didn't need. I liked her perspective on her kids and loving them each as they needed it. I thought it was a great reminder to be a real friend, enjoy your kids and a good read.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Stieg Larsson
I am so sad it is over. I have waited and waited to read the final installment. I can't decide if I would want to read the partial 4th manuscript, but I am sure I will if it gets released. I thought this was a great finale. I didn't think it took as long to get to the action as the first two books and had some good twists. You must read this series!
I am so sad it is over. I have waited and waited to read the final installment. I can't decide if I would want to read the partial 4th manuscript, but I am sure I will if it gets released. I thought this was a great finale. I didn't think it took as long to get to the action as the first two books and had some good twists. You must read this series!
The Swan Thieves
Elizabeth Kostova
Whew! Finally I finished it. I was supposed to read this for book club. It took forever. I am not sure if this is a reflection of our lives being busy, season finales on TV or that this book just felt long! I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. I think it would be fun to read if I were more art literate, but I am not. It did make me want to go to New York and visit the galleries though.
Whew! Finally I finished it. I was supposed to read this for book club. It took forever. I am not sure if this is a reflection of our lives being busy, season finales on TV or that this book just felt long! I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. I think it would be fun to read if I were more art literate, but I am not. It did make me want to go to New York and visit the galleries though.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
True Colors
Kristin Hannah
I really enjoyed Firefly Lane, so I thought I would give this a try. I liked it. I always think books about the relationships between sisters are interesting, but I hope I treat my sister than these sisters treated each other. But, I have had my moments where I have been pretty harsh about boys who hurt my sister or I think will hurt my sister. I enjoyed the story, but in my friend Sarah's honor I have to say that there were a few more descriptions of the beatiful scenery than I needed. But, only a few too many. I enjoyed this better than Firefly Lane I think or at least just as well. She is a good author because she can create characters that really get under my skin. :)
I really enjoyed Firefly Lane, so I thought I would give this a try. I liked it. I always think books about the relationships between sisters are interesting, but I hope I treat my sister than these sisters treated each other. But, I have had my moments where I have been pretty harsh about boys who hurt my sister or I think will hurt my sister. I enjoyed the story, but in my friend Sarah's honor I have to say that there were a few more descriptions of the beatiful scenery than I needed. But, only a few too many. I enjoyed this better than Firefly Lane I think or at least just as well. She is a good author because she can create characters that really get under my skin. :)
The Last Song
Nicholas Sparks
I think it is so interesting that he wrote the screenplay for this book before he wrote the book, I thought it was always the other way around. I also think it is interesting that he wrote it knowing it was for Miley Cyrus and made her a transplant from North to South instead of vice versa. I thought the book was good, a little cheesy, but that's what I expected and wanted. I think it had good points about second chances and that being a teenager is hard, and so is being a teen's parent. I worry about those days with boys a lot, I hope they will talk to me occasionally. I enjoyed the story and got sucked in enough to cry when I was finishing the end. It was fun to read a book like this, I haven't read one in awhile.
I think it is so interesting that he wrote the screenplay for this book before he wrote the book, I thought it was always the other way around. I also think it is interesting that he wrote it knowing it was for Miley Cyrus and made her a transplant from North to South instead of vice versa. I thought the book was good, a little cheesy, but that's what I expected and wanted. I think it had good points about second chances and that being a teenager is hard, and so is being a teen's parent. I worry about those days with boys a lot, I hope they will talk to me occasionally. I enjoyed the story and got sucked in enough to cry when I was finishing the end. It was fun to read a book like this, I haven't read one in awhile.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Secrets of Eden
Chris Bohjalian
This was my other "on the fly" book club selection. I picked this book because I loved Midwives, and The Double Bind. I was not disappointed in this book, either. We haven't discussed it yet so I can't say much. But, if you like Jodi P. books or the two I just mentioned I think you will enjoy this one, too. And for the record, I totally figured it out....but everyone else probably did, too.
This was my other "on the fly" book club selection. I picked this book because I loved Midwives, and The Double Bind. I was not disappointed in this book, either. We haven't discussed it yet so I can't say much. But, if you like Jodi P. books or the two I just mentioned I think you will enjoy this one, too. And for the record, I totally figured it out....but everyone else probably did, too.
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Lisa See
I picked this book for book club, but I was very sad with Hank I totally missed that it was my turn to pick and had to do it on the fly. So, I thought this would at least provide a fun theme and was listed as a book I would like based on others I have read. I was pleasantly surprised it actually provided some really great discussion. I am always amazed at cultures so different from my own and the role women have in varying cultures. I think it would be a good book for a book club because it provided a lot to talk about, even though I thought it was a little slow in places. Overall I thought the book was a good read!
I picked this book for book club, but I was very sad with Hank I totally missed that it was my turn to pick and had to do it on the fly. So, I thought this would at least provide a fun theme and was listed as a book I would like based on others I have read. I was pleasantly surprised it actually provided some really great discussion. I am always amazed at cultures so different from my own and the role women have in varying cultures. I think it would be a good book for a book club because it provided a lot to talk about, even though I thought it was a little slow in places. Overall I thought the book was a good read!
Twenties Girl: A Novel
Sophie Kinsella
I will always love Sophie Kinsella. The Shopaholic series was just the break I needed from real life in college, and were quick enough I could sneak them in here and there. This was just a great, fun chick flick book. Perfect for the late night feedings. By the way, you need an e-reader for these feeds it is so much easier to read while feeding Hank with my kindle than it was with Avery and real books. I do need a better book light though...
I will always love Sophie Kinsella. The Shopaholic series was just the break I needed from real life in college, and were quick enough I could sneak them in here and there. This was just a great, fun chick flick book. Perfect for the late night feedings. By the way, you need an e-reader for these feeds it is so much easier to read while feeding Hank with my kindle than it was with Avery and real books. I do need a better book light though...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Leila Meacham
I read this for my Tyler book club, fun since it was set in East Texas. My mom said it was a lot like Gone With the Wind, but I have never seen it so I don't know. I thought it was a very good book. I enjoyed it, but it did drag here and there. I think it had some good twists and turns and I do like that they got that small towns with "founding families" have lots of secrets and reasons for what they do. I also think that there were some very accurate representations of how money changes people and can ruin families if you let it, thankfully not everyone in the book let it! Well worth reading if you have the time.
I read this for my Tyler book club, fun since it was set in East Texas. My mom said it was a lot like Gone With the Wind, but I have never seen it so I don't know. I thought it was a very good book. I enjoyed it, but it did drag here and there. I think it had some good twists and turns and I do like that they got that small towns with "founding families" have lots of secrets and reasons for what they do. I also think that there were some very accurate representations of how money changes people and can ruin families if you let it, thankfully not everyone in the book let it! Well worth reading if you have the time.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Sookie Stackhouse Books
Charlaine Harris
Living Dead in Dallas
Club Dead
Dead to the World
Dead as a Doornail
Definitely Dead
All Together Dead
From Dead to Worse
Dead and Gone
Yes, you read right I haven't posted a book blog in awhile, but I have been reading. I have read 8 more of the Sookie Stackhouse novels and I am anxiously awaiting the 10th due in May. These books have been perfect for this busy time in our lives. They are fun, easy, cheesy and one of my new favorite kind of books, Vampire books. I think these are a great mix of romance and suspense. I was even more excited when I gave the first one to a friend who generally doesn't enjoy reading, but wanted to try again. She loved it! So grab your set, you can get the first 8 on your e-reader for about $30 or get them for about $5 a piece at Target. I was spoiled and my friend Amie shared the first 8 with me. Don't worry I think I am pre-ordering #10 on my kindle. These are definitely a guilty pleasure these days, but new moms need their rest/relaxation time....right???
Living Dead in Dallas
Club Dead
Dead to the World
Dead as a Doornail
Definitely Dead
All Together Dead
From Dead to Worse
Dead and Gone
Yes, you read right I haven't posted a book blog in awhile, but I have been reading. I have read 8 more of the Sookie Stackhouse novels and I am anxiously awaiting the 10th due in May. These books have been perfect for this busy time in our lives. They are fun, easy, cheesy and one of my new favorite kind of books, Vampire books. I think these are a great mix of romance and suspense. I was even more excited when I gave the first one to a friend who generally doesn't enjoy reading, but wanted to try again. She loved it! So grab your set, you can get the first 8 on your e-reader for about $30 or get them for about $5 a piece at Target. I was spoiled and my friend Amie shared the first 8 with me. Don't worry I think I am pre-ordering #10 on my kindle. These are definitely a guilty pleasure these days, but new moms need their rest/relaxation time....right???
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dead Until Dark
Charlaine Harris
So, I had actually heard more about the HBO series True Blood than the novels that they were created from when my friend passed along this book. It turns out they were a great, fun, quick read. Just what I need right now! I am already almost through the second one, while also reading a long Diana Gabldon book, too. These are certainly not the Twilight clean pre-teen novels about vampires, but I do love the good old good versus evil with a few twists here and there, and a fun romance, too. I do wish I still had my mom to paperclip the sex scene pages together for me, I still maintain that it is oogy to read the descriptors for adult behaviors. :) I am loving these to help me unwind at the end of a crazy day or rest for a few minutes while the little prince naps. They would also be a perfect vacation or plane read!
So, I had actually heard more about the HBO series True Blood than the novels that they were created from when my friend passed along this book. It turns out they were a great, fun, quick read. Just what I need right now! I am already almost through the second one, while also reading a long Diana Gabldon book, too. These are certainly not the Twilight clean pre-teen novels about vampires, but I do love the good old good versus evil with a few twists here and there, and a fun romance, too. I do wish I still had my mom to paperclip the sex scene pages together for me, I still maintain that it is oogy to read the descriptors for adult behaviors. :) I am loving these to help me unwind at the end of a crazy day or rest for a few minutes while the little prince naps. They would also be a perfect vacation or plane read!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
There's A (Slight) Chance I Might Be Going To Hell
Laurie Notaro
Such a fun read. A great chick flick book! I liked that instead of the usual southern setting, or at least most I read are, this was set in the NW. We thought the characters were well developed allthough a little extreme, but that's what made them fun. Well worth the short time it would take to read! I will admit the end made me a little mad though.
Such a fun read. A great chick flick book! I liked that instead of the usual southern setting, or at least most I read are, this was set in the NW. We thought the characters were well developed allthough a little extreme, but that's what made them fun. Well worth the short time it would take to read! I will admit the end made me a little mad though.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Beautiful Creatures
Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
I thought this was a really fun read. Very Twilight, but hey I am good with that I have to get my fix somewhere. I thought the characters were fun and I am so glad the authors left it open for a sequel, I would gladly read it. I wonder what is like to write a book with someone else???
A fun beach read or a good read for your teenager, clean as I remember!
I thought this was a really fun read. Very Twilight, but hey I am good with that I have to get my fix somewhere. I thought the characters were fun and I am so glad the authors left it open for a sequel, I would gladly read it. I wonder what is like to write a book with someone else???
A fun beach read or a good read for your teenager, clean as I remember!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Last Night in Twisted River
John Irving
I am sad to say I didn't get to read nearly as much as I would have liked to over the holidays, but I did finally get this book finished. I really enjoyed it. I think that is interesting because I read it for my Tyler book club, and they didn't like it. We are all very dedicated to reading the book before we meet, but randomnly almost all of us didn't finish it. 4 of us ran out of time, 1 just couldn't get through it and one read it. I thought it was a good story. It was well written and presented several main characters with good development without being overbearing or long-winded about them. It was very tragic at times, but I feel like for some people that is real life, however I hope not mine. I think some of the ladies were offended or got tired of fairly strong political opinions, but for whatever reason it easy for me to see that as part of the character and not let it bother me whether I agree or not. A good, challenging read. I liked it!
I am sad to say I didn't get to read nearly as much as I would have liked to over the holidays, but I did finally get this book finished. I really enjoyed it. I think that is interesting because I read it for my Tyler book club, and they didn't like it. We are all very dedicated to reading the book before we meet, but randomnly almost all of us didn't finish it. 4 of us ran out of time, 1 just couldn't get through it and one read it. I thought it was a good story. It was well written and presented several main characters with good development without being overbearing or long-winded about them. It was very tragic at times, but I feel like for some people that is real life, however I hope not mine. I think some of the ladies were offended or got tired of fairly strong political opinions, but for whatever reason it easy for me to see that as part of the character and not let it bother me whether I agree or not. A good, challenging read. I liked it!
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