Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Name is Mary Sutter

Robin Oliveira

Yay!  Another really great read.  I am so glad to be coming up from The Angel's Game funk!!!  I thought this was a great book.  I never would have picked historical fiction, I kind of forget about it, but I loved it.  I am sure it helped that the main character is a midwife wanting to become a doctor, but I actually enjoyed the historical perspective as well.  I am sad to say I didn't retain much from history and always had a more "southern" view point.  I thought we deserved to lose for being awful enough to think we should own people.  But, it was a hard fought war for everyone.  A good, interesting read.  I am continually thankful for people who sacrificed more than I can imagine to make our country what it is, and for those who continue to do so today.  And boy am I glad for modern medicine!!!

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