Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Getting Caught Up

So I've read several books, but forgot to post them.

Pillars of the Earth
For the record I didn't read this because of Oprah, I read it because several other people had reccommended it. It was good, but man it was long. I am trying to decide if I am up for the sequel. I do feel really smart when I read a book that long. :)

Friday Night Knitting Club
I should have known when it said like Steel Magnolia's set in NYC. Too sad, not that well written. It was a good beach read but you could probably do better.

Certain Girls
I thought it was okay, but I hated the ending. What do people have against a happy ending. I know that they don't always happen, but sometimes they do.

Girlfriend's Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood
I love these books, highly recommend it if you are in this place in life.

The Sleeping Doll
A good murder mystery. Sometimes I forget I like these it was a good quick easy read that wasn't too scary.

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