Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Language of Flowers: A Novel

Vanessa Diffenbaugh

*spoiler, I discuss the ending

I really liked this book. It was interesting to think of the meaning of flowers and how important those meanings used to be. I also like how the book reminds us that in every language there is room for interpretation. I thought the story was really interesting as well. I think it was probably a pretty accurate representation of a troubled young girl. It is interesting to me to hear how others in my book clubs perceived her character as unrealistic, but as I deal with young, inexperienced moms sometimes I don't really think it was that far off. I have to admit I thought the end was a bit cheesy. While I always say I love things tied up in a neat bow, and a huge part of my loved that neat bow, it was in my opinion incredibly unrealistic. 


Unknown said...

I agree with your comments about it not being that far off; especially when she was talking about how the baby wouldn't stop feeding and her struggles with "just once" using formula. I really related to her character as she was going through the first few weeks of being a mom and all the struggles it came with. I couldn't have imagined doing that all alone!

Unknown said...
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